Miller Lifting Products


Miller swivels and crane accessories are used in a wide variety of applications each of which have specifications and technical requirements which are unique to that application. When ordering a Miller product the ultimate responsibility for selecting the correct item lies with the end user since only he has the knowledge of the application and its environment. We will assist in the selection of equipment to assure the best possible product for its intended use when requested. If you have any questions regarding a Miller product, contact the factory.

The MAXIMUM LOAD LIMIT (also referred to as Safe Working Limit, Safe Working Load, Rated Load Value, etc.) assigned each Miller product reflects our engineering evaluation and should never be exceeded regardless of the size or strength of the wire rope, synthetic rope, chain or other product being used. We will not accept any responsibility for any load in excess of the Maximum Load Limit.

Maximum Load Limits apply only to loads applied uniformly in direct axial tension, or in-line pull relative to centerline of the device. Maximum Load Limits do not apply to shock loads which multiply the static weight factor many times over and may exceed the Maximum Load Limit. In addition, they do not allow for hook tip loading, side loading or for bending, torsional or other non-axial loads, any of which constitute misuse. Such applications are outside the manufacturers warranty.

Maximum Load Limits apply only to new products as they are shipped from the factory. Age, type of service and environmental conditions will reduce these limits, and periodic tests and inspections should be undertaken to assure the product’s performance in accordance with existing regulations and sound operation practices. (See Maintenance section.)

PROOF LOAD LIMIT or SAFETY FACTOR – This factor is the maximum load to which a product may be subjected before physical deformation occurs. It is the maximum load to be applied in the performance of a proof load test. All Miller products, except as noted in this catalog, have a Proof Load Limit or Safety Factor of twice the rated Maximum Load Limit. (Safe Working Limit). The Proof Load Limit should never be considered as an allowable extension of the Maximum Load Limit. The Maximum Load Limits must never be exceeded in the actual use of any Miller product.

ULTIMATE LOAD – A theoretical value, the load at which a product will fail or will no longer support the load.

YIELD POINT – The point between Proof Load Limit and the Ultimate Load at which permanent deformation occurs. Note that this deformation may not be visible.

SHOCK LOAD – A dynamic increase in the load factor caused by the sudden take-up of slack, shifting, jerking, or impacting to the load or equipment supporting the load. Example: A load sitting on edge of a high platform and attached to a slack hoist line is pushed over the edge, the instant transfer of load to the line when it becomes taut results in a severe shock load.

PROOF LOAD TEST – A straight axial load applied under controlled laboratory conditions upon customer’s request.

SHORT TON (TON) – The unit of weight on which most Miller Lifting Products’ capacities, load limits, etc. are based. Commonly used throughout the U.S. and Canada, the short ton equals 2,000 pounds and differs from the “metric ton” (SI) which equals 2,205 lbs and “long ton” (UK tonne) which equals 2,240 pounds.

METRIC TON (MT) – The (SI) unit of mass equals to 1000 kilograms or 2,205 lbs. Some Miller Lifting Products capacities, load limits, ect. are expressed in metric tons.

LONG TON (TONNE) – The traditional UK unit of mass equals to 2,240 lbs or 1016 kg. No Miller Lifting Products capacities, load limits, etc. are expressed in long tons. Rarely used outside the UK, the long ton ceased to be legal for trade in 1985.

HOOK LATCHES – All Miller products that utilize hooks are equipped at the factory with hook latches. The only function of a hook latch is to retain loose slings or devices under slack conditions, i.e. no load. They are not intended to be anti-fouling devices, so caution should be used to prevent the latch from supporting any of the load. Routine inspection of the latches must be made to ensure their proper operating conditions. Hook applications might require other hook latches. Should you have any questions regarding hook latches contact the factory. (See Maintenance section.)

PRODUCT USAGE – All ratings shown in any Miller literature are based on the products being in a new and unused condition. When selecting a product, consideration must be given to the greatest load the product will see, therefore, shock loading must be considered in the overall system design.

In selecting a Miller product, such factors as extreme heat or cold, excess humidity, moisture, contaminated air, etc. must be considered since these may adversely affect longevity, performance and Maximum Load Limit.

DO NOT IMMERSE ANY STANDARD MILLER PRODUCTS IN WATER. Contact the factory for assistance in selecting the special product designed to meet fresh and saltwater applications.

LIFT ONLY THOSE LOADS FOR WHICH OUR MILLER PRODUCTS ARE DESIGNED. Federal crane regulations prohibit the transport of personnel on any load or wire rope attachment (OSHA 1910, 180-h-3-v).


1. When installing wire rope always pre-load the wedge with the wire rope in place. Then attach the end of the rope to the main line with the first clip to be located directly above the socket. It is imperative that the clips and clamps be installed precisely as specified by the manufacturers and in the number and sizes approved by the fitting manufacturers.

2. Make allowance for the crimping effect common with all types of wedge sockets. Experience shows the Maximum Load Limit on a line will be reduced by 25% or more with this type of fitting.

NEVER WELD ON ANY MILLER PRODUCT. Should any modification or repairs be required on any Miller product, contact the factory for information.

INSPECT AND MAINTAIN REGULARLY. All Miller products are mechanical components and are subject to wear. Worn components do not have the same Maximum Load Limit rating as do new components. The total responsibility for the inspection, maintenance and continued use is entirely up to the purchaser/user. Remember, visual inspection may not be sufficient and examination methods such as X-ray, ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle inspection, dielectric resistance and others, might be required to establish the present integrity of the product. Check to see that your equipment is being inspected and tested in accordance with all applicable governmental rules and regulations. Should any Miller products become worn and in need of repair, the responsibility for the actual repair work will be borne solely by the party making such repairs. It is recommended that the factory be contacted should there be any questions whatsoever relating to a repair. (See Maintenance section.)

REMEMBER: External factors will affect the longevity of the product. There is no defined period for the useful life of any Miller product. It is the user’s responsibility to maintain and check the product. Even after a short period of use circumstances may require the product to be withdrawn from service.

Should any questions arise during the inspection of any Miller product that relate to its intended application or need for repair, promptly remove the product from service.